Mine are notepad++ and filezilla. They are free and very good. I have used them both for years now and I have never had a single issue with neither of them.
What about you guys? What are your favorites?
I tried to use the fireftp in Mozilla Firefox but that was no success. I will try filezilla. is it free? For editing files I have used Aptana but I edit mostly html and not php.
FileZilla is the best for me.
I use it for 5 months.
(12-08-2009 08:34 PM)roger Wrote: [ -> ]I tried to use the fireftp in Mozilla Firefox but that was no success. I will try filezilla. is it free? For editing files I have used Aptana but I edit mostly html and not php.
Yes, Filezilla is Free and for me is really good, and now it support Tabs!! For use more than one connection at the same time
Mine are Filezilla and Notepad++ too, both are free and really simple.
In linux, did you know something like Notepad++?
Yes, Notepad++ is really good I use it too.
I second that as well. They are both great programs. Since I used them several years ago, I have never looked at any other alternatives.
filezilla and i use notepad ++, it's perfect

Yes.. and the most important thing... THEY ARE FREE!
(12-09-2009 06:55 PM)RyuzakiXLawliet Wrote: [ -> ]filezilla and i use notepad ++, it's perfect 
I use the same programs and I must say I'm very pleased with their performance.
I like the dreamweaver and filezilla.
I have tried many programmes but they are best.