MyBB Codes

Full Version: [Release 1.4.x] Rank System
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I think this is a good plugin.
I seriously need more selectable ranks.. any chance you will release one with something like 10 ranks someday exdio ?
shameless bump. My PS3 clan forum really need more ranks.
Is this something i can wish for ?
Ok, i will try to figure out a way to make it dynamic, with any amount of ranking up to 10!

It is in my ToDo list of November...

thank you sir ! My members will appreciate.
(10-04-2010 06:39 PM)exdiogene Wrote: [ -> ]Ok, i will try to figure out a way to make it dynamic, with any amount of ranking up to 10!

It is in my ToDo list of November...


Can we expect this to be released in December ? Shy
Take all the time you need exdiogene, i know you're a busy man.
Ok, the new version is done and i need someone to test it on his site and it seem that it will be you! Wink

I sent you a PM to know were to get the file. Just uninstall your previous one, by taking care of leaving the setting "Delete ranks when uninstalling this plugin." to "NO" if you want to keep the old ranks of all your members.

Write the new plugin over the old one, activate it and fill up the settings to your needs...
Wow ! That's even better than i expected, I can match my members group colors with their ranks !
You are the God of Plugins exdiogene.. I know i've told you this a few times already but damn that new version is really impressive.
So, is it a go for the upgrade to be published for all our subscribers?

I guess it's a go ! I have not found any bugs whatesover ! UHH)
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